Connect Components Limited and Tenomichi are pleased to announce the inclusion of 3D Edit Silver V3 with Connect3D graphics cards and flash memory products

(Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung)

11 November 2005 – Richard Faria, Tenomichi’s Chairman, said “3D Edit Silver V3 enables video to be edited and mixed inside the graphics chip (GPU) in true real-time. It is the first application in the world to be entirely written for use with the GPU making it the ideal companion to Connect3D’s exceptional graphics card range. 3D Edit’s ability to add stunning special effects to video footage is going to be fantastic for Connect3D’s customers and allow them to be really creative. We are very excited to be working with Connect3D.”


“Tenomichi’s 3D Edit is the perfect software solution for customers of our DirectX9 enabled graphics cards” said Mark Holmes, European Sales Manager, Connect3D. “Never before have end users been able to have this much fun and be this creative with video, and all in real time. It’s a delight to allow people to harness the raw power of our graphics boards at work or home to produce transitions and effects that I suspect George Lucas would be proud of !”

Starting end of November 2005, 3D Edit will be added to Connect3D’s broad range of graphics cards and flash memory products. Existing Connect3D clients can take advantage of a special offer to get 3D Edit Silver and upgrade to the Gold version at a special Connect3D rate.

3D Edit converts a PC into a real-time video editing suite with stunning Special FX such as fire and explosions at a fraction of the cost of its competitors. Its secret is the ability to harness the power of the Radeon series DX9 GPU’s (Graphic Processor Unit) and their support for the latest technologies, enabling an unparalleled experience for the user whilst making it accessible to all.

For customers who purchase Connect3D’s flash memory products for cameras, phones and PDA’s, 3D Edit will help them unleash their creativity for the content they store or transport on these devices.

More details at