Patriot Memory Showcases 256GB Warp SSD at Cebit Germany

Patriot Continues to Push to the Outer Limits with their 256GB Warp SSD!

(Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung)

Fremont, California, USA, March 4, 2009 – Patriot Memory, a global provider of premium quality memory module and flash memory solutions, today announced their 256GB Warp SSD v3. Patriot’s newest Warp will be showcased at Cebit Germany.


“Our new 256GB Warp SSD v3 now gives the consumer the fastest data-transfer rates plus all the storage space large enough to quench their multimedia thirst,” says Meng Jay, Flash Product Manager for Patriot Memory. “With games and applications becoming larger all the time, for the hardcore gamer, some of the smaller SSDs would make poor investments, as they would quickly run out of space.”

Warp’s v3 continues to be in a 2.5 form factor with SATA I/II connections for fast, reliable data transfer rates.