Mandriva Linux, 3D on a flash drive

(Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung)

Paris, 6 December 2006 – Mandriva, the global Linux distributor, today

launches Mandriva Flash, the first Mandriva Linux Live USB key. Hit the right
key with Mandriva Flash!

Bringing its long experience with Live CDs, Mandriva aims to offer the best
performing live system. All you have to do is plug in the USB key, turn the
PC on and the Mandriva Linux 2007 operating system is ready to use in no
time, with all you need for office work, Internet and multimedia tasks. The
main advantage of Mandriva Flash is that it provides a full-featured system
that requires no installation and – the icing on the cake – fits in your
pocket! This is the most mobile distribution ever.

Once Mandriva Linux 2007 is started, users can store their personal data on
the 2GB key (more than 1GB available for user files). System configuration,
preferences and data are all saved to the key (in contrast to live CDs, which
can’t store this data). Another great advantage: in contrast to live CDs the
CD/DVD drive remains available, allowing the user to read or burn a CD/DVD
while using Mandriva Flash. Moreover, the boot and loading process is much
faster than with live CDs thanks to the USB 2.0 support of the key.

Mandriva Flash is meant for all those who want to have a complete OS and their
personal data handy at all times without the hassle of carrying a laptop
around. It is a full workstation, packed with all the latest technologies. It
includes the brand new Mandriva Linux 3D desktop technology, as well as the
best open source software available:

  • Kernel 2.6.17
  • KDE 3.5.4
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • OpenOffice 2.0.3
  • The Gimp 2.3.10
  • AmaroK 1.4.3
  • KMPlayer 0.9.3
  • Ekiga 2.0.3
  • K3b 0.12.17

To make things even easier for you, the most important proprietary drivers and
the most-used plugins (Adobe Flash Player, RealPlayer) are also on the key.

Mandriva Flash is the perfect product to help you discover and then adopt
Linux since no installation of any kind on the host computer is required and
even the least experienced computer users can use it easily. It is not only
practical, easy and pleasant to use but also a high-performing and innovative
product. Mandriva Flash will surprise you whether you already are a Linux
user or not.

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