ATI extends FireGL(tm) graphics accelerator family with introduction of the high-end FireGL X2-256 and the entry-level FireGL T2-128

(Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung)

SIGGRAPH (BOOTH# 2936), SAN DIEGO, CA/ Munich, Germany July 29, 2003 – ATI Technologies Inc. (TSX: ATY, NASDAQ: ATYT) is extending its line of workstation graphics accelerators today with the introduction of the high-end FireGL(tm) X2-256 and the entry-level FireGL(tm) T2-128. ATI now offers a complete top-to-bottom line of workstation graphics accelerators, all based on the same scalable architecture, which fit into every stage of the production pipeline.


The FireGL X2-256, ATI’s highest performance workstation graphics accelerator with 256MB of unified graphics memory and dual DVI-I interfaces, delivers fast 3D performance and superior quality imaging for professional applications. Based on the FGL(tm) 9800 Visual Processing Unit (VPU), the FireGL X2-256 features four geometry engines and eight parallel rendering pipelines. With advanced pixel shader support and hardware accelerated rendering, this powerful accelerator enables 3D professionals to speed up their production pipeline and render models, scenes and effects in real-time, a quantum leap forward from traditional software rendering. With an MSRP of $999, the FireGL X2-256 delivers high-end performance for sophisticated CAD (computer aided design), solid modeling, DCC (digital content creation) and visual simulation applications.

The FireGL T2-128, an entry-level workstation graphics accelerator with 128MB of unified graphics memory and dual display support through DVI-I and VGA connectors, brings an unprecedented level of graphics processing power to this segment of the market. Based on the FGL(tm) 9600 VPU, this accelerator features two geometry engines and four parallel rendering pipelines. The FireGL T2-128 is an ideal solution for CAD, AEC (architectural engineering and construction) and entry-level DCC users, increasing productivity and shortening design cycles while delivering optimal image quality. The FireGL T2-128 has an MSRP of $379, making this is an affordable solution with the highest performance in its class.

„ATI’s FireGL family now reaches into every performance segment,“ said Dr. Jon Peddie, president of Jon Peddie Research in Tiburon, CA, the leading market research firm in computer graphics. „With this product line expansion at the high-end and at the entry level, ATI will be ensuring users that they can get the graphics acceleration they require throughout the production workflow.“

„In addition to its price performance advantage, the scalable FireGL architecture supported by a unified graphics driver architecture, delivers consistent advanced features across the entire product line from mobile workstations through high-end systems,“ said Dinesh Sharma, Director of Workstation Products, ATI Technologies. „By offering a unified graphics driver for the entire range of FireGL products, system administration within the production environment is dramatically simplified, lowering overall support costs. In addition, ATI is unique in offering comprehensive workstation level support directly to all end users who select FireGL workstation graphics options.“

The FireGL T2-128 is available immediately through system integrators and resellers. The FireGL X2-256 can be ordered today and will be available for shipment in mid August. Today ATI has also announced, along with top-tier DCC application vendors, real-time hardware rendering capabilities on the FireGL line of workstation graphics accelerators using the OpenGL Shading Language and Microsoft DirectX 9 HLSL.