Schlagwörter: X-Micro

X-Micro Announces New Mini DisGo

Taipei, July 15, 2005 – Today, X-Micro Technology Corp. announced the Mini DisGo a new pocket-sized Slim Mobile Hard Disk Drive. The company is introducing their latest storage device at this year’s...

X-Micro Video MP3

Die X-Micro Corp. stellt seinen neuen, innovativen MP3 Player mit Video Farbdisplay „den X-Micro Video MP3 Player“ vor. Der im Westentaschenformat große Video MP3 Player spielt nicht nur problemlos Farbvideos und Fotos...

X-Micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router

Introduction X-Micro has incorporated a new WLAN Series device: – X-Micro WLAN 11b Broadband Router The X-Micro Router works as a wireless/ethernet controller. It brings access to the Internet when the WAN...